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zebra (edit)
to get this photo (rather than the original) I changed the temperature, tint (kind of), exposure, contrast, shadows, whites and blacks ,all kinds of different colours and sharpening, I also erased a bird in the photo.

zebra (original)
with a sony camera with an extended lense I was able to get a close up (I couldn't actually get that close!)

texan bulls (edit)
to get this photo (rather than the original) I changed the temperature, exposure, contrast, shadows (big one for this one as it has a lot of texture), and sharpening (as the photo's quality wasn't so good)

texan bull (original)
with a sony camera with an extended lense I was able to get a close up (I couldn't actually get that close!)

giraffe (edit)
I changed the temperature a little tint as it has green grass shadows to make it a little dark, whites and blacks, some sharpening and no colour change.

giraffe (original)
with a sony camera with an extended lense I was able to get a close up (I couldn't actually get that close!)

red tree (edit)
to get this photo (rather than the original) I changed the temperature, tint (none), exposure, contrast, shadows, whites and blacks ,all kinds of different colours (lots and lots of colours!)

red tree (original)
with a sony camera with an extended lense I was able to get a close up rather then being really close to it
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